The Pleyel pianino of Chopin in a recording by Alexei Lubimov

So late at night but enthusiasm has taken over tact. A few rough notes! I have been listening to the new Alexei Lubimov CD recorded on the 1843 Pleyel pianino Serial No: 10112 by that Polish genius of sound recording of Lech Dudzic and Gabriela Blicharz. The instrument was restored and donated to the National Fryderyk Chopin Institute in 2018 by the pianist Alex Szilasi. The notes on the instrument that accompany the disc are fascinating and written by the renowned Polish authority on period pianos, Benjamin Vogel. It is absolutely wonderful..... the sound of this instrument is intimate, varied in seductive sound coloration, a delicacy that touches the sensibility in an utterly unique manner. Pianissimo is barely there like wraith drifting across the room. The polyphony of the Bach is astonishingly beautiful and the fugal voices so clear and transparent. Ravishingly eloquent. The Barcarolle is remarkable as the instrument limits the dynamic range possible, avoiding the cra...