
Showing posts from November 5, 2023

Polish Independence Day, the 105th Anniversary of Independence and the Armistice of the Great War, 11 November 2022 - The Chopin Soul, Paderewski and Moniuszko - some reminiscences

Reminiscences The Chopin Soul, Paderewski and Moniuszko Polish Independence Day 11 November 2023 105th Anniversary of the Armistice of the Great War Pencil drawing of Fryderyk Chopin by Francois-Xavier Winterhalter 2 May 1847  These thoughts come in the midst of the increasing horrors of war in the Middle East, echoes of the Covid pandemic which has thankfully passed and the brutal continuation of a murderous war in Ukraine. These are the greatest calamities to strike the world since the two world wars.  One must never forget, in fact remember with  even  greater intensity, the immense sacrifices that were made then so that we can live in freedom. Yes, and given the freedom to embrace the miraculous advances in medical science and peace offered by the European Union.  On a day celebrating the 105th Anniversary of Poland regaining independence (a country that for 123 years existed not on maps but as a virtual reality in the mind of its citizens), I feel I should express a few thoughts o