The Rape of Lucretia - Benjamin Britten - ST. PETERSBURG CHAMBER OPERA in conjunction with the Warsaw Chamber Opera (Warszawska Opera Kameralna) - 17 December 2017 - Warsaw

Benjamin Britten - The Rape of Lucretia Musical drama in two acts with an Interlude Libretto by Ronald Duncan based on the play of André Obey ST. PETERSBURG CHAMBER OPERA Director: Yuri Alexandrov Production designer: Zinowij Margolin WIKTOR ALESZKOW - Him JULIA PTICYNA - Her ANTON MOROZOW - Collatinus, Roman General NATALYA VOROBYEVA - Lucretia, wife of Collatinus JADGAR JUŁDASZEW - Junius, Roman General ALEKSIEJ PASZIJEW - Tarquinius, son of the King of Rome VICTORIA MARTEMJANOWA - Bianca, Lucretia's old nurse KAROLINA SZAPOWAŁOWA / JEWGIENIJA KRAWCZENKO - Lucia, Lucretia's maid WŁADISŁAW MAZANKIN - Witness Direction, staging - Yuri Alexandrov Scenography - Zinowij Margolin Costumes - Wiaczesław Okuniew Lighting - Irina Wtornikowa The scenic movement - Dawid Awdysz Director - Tatiana Karpaczew ST. PETERSBURG CHAMBER OPERA ORCHESTRA Musical direction - Nelli Abdi Conductor - Maksim Walkow Photography: Jarosław Budzyński (click on to enlar...