Concert and recording review of Paderewski, Moniuszko, Duparc/ Songs - NIFCCD 070 - Christoph Prégardien tenor Christoph Schnackertz piano

17.08.19 NIFCCD 070 Paderewski, Moniuszko, Duparc/ Songs Saturday 17:00 Witold Lutosławski Studio of the Polish Radio Vocal recital Performers Christoph Prégardien tenor Christoph Schnackertz piano Program Stanisław Moniuszko (1819-1872) Les larmes Les plaintes de la jeune fille Le chant de la tour Le Nièmen Le joueur de lyre, cz. 4 Oui, chantons encor Henri Duparc (1848-1933) Chanson triste Soupir Le manoir de Rosemonde Phidylé L’invitation au voyage Robert Schumann (1810-1856) Zwölf Gedichte, Op. 35 to words by Justinus Kerner Concerts are never real music, you have to give up the idea of hearing in them all the most beautiful things of art.' Chopin said to one of his students ( Chopin: Pianist and Teacher: As Seen by His Pupils Jean-Jacques Eigeldinger). Far be it from me to contradict Chopin, but this was certainly not the case in the song recital I attended this evening. On this rarest of occasions, I h...